Visiting performance in Berlin - 2024

June 6. the TCP/Indeterminate Place - TCP/IP quartet telematic hyperorgan concert, took place in Berlin and at the Orgelpark in Amsterdam. 

In Berllin Robert Ek playing his MiM-augmented clarinet and Federico Visi was playing the Sophtar, an instrument of built in collaboration with Sukandar Kartadinata. On the other end of the network, Stefan Östersjö and Mattias Petersson sending their Buchla, midi guitar, organs and field recordings from Amsterdam.

In Berlin the venue was the Kapelle der Versöhnung, where the sound of the organ and the acoustics of the room are quite unique. 

A three dimensional model of the chapel, made on the basis of a physical model. The 3D-visualisation can be used as a part of the final performance of Zosimos.

Demolition of the church, in 1985.
Landesarchiv Berlin, F Rep. 290-02-15 Nr. 0012994_C / Foto: Schneider, Günter

The days before the concert were spent doing extensive testing, to enable remote control of the organ as well as real time transmission of sound between the two venues.

To the right Federico demonstrates some of the functionality built into the Sophtar – An interview (in German), where Federico explains about the instrument.

Robert works with Music in Motion (MiM). Replacing the clarinet bell with MiM v1.0 turns his clarinet into an electronically extended music instrument.

To the left Jostein Stalheim is testing the sound and the possibilities of the church organ.

Harlow, R., Petersson, M., Ek, R., Visi, F., & Östersjö, S. (2021). Global Hyperorgan: a platform for telematic musicking and research. NIME 2021.

Visi, F., Östersjö, S., Ek, R., & Röijezon, U. (2020). Method Development for Multimodal Data Corpus Analysis of Expressive Instrumental Music Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.